New version of the IMO Fire Test Procedures Code will become effective in July 2012

The International Maritime Organization IMO has developed fire safety regulations for international trading ships in the frame of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). In July 1998, IMO introduced the Fire Test Procedures Code (FTP Code), which contains fire test procedures for fire safe constructions and materials used on board of ships. The FTP-Code basically uses fire tests of the International Standards Organization ISO, which cover non-combustibility, fire resistance, flammability, spread of flame, smoke and toxicity of constructions and materials, as well as of specific products like textiles, upholstered furniture and bedding. The revision of FTP Code started in 2006 and has been completed in 2008. Adopted on 20.12.2010 as FTP Code 2010, it will become effective on 01.07.2012. With respect to the former version the following changes took place:

  • The smoke and toxicity testing to ISO 5659-2 in Part 2 were extended by the ISO 21489 FTIR gas measurement. 
  • The spread of flame test to ISO 5658-2 for surface materials and primary deck coverings has been finalized in Part 5.
  • In the new Part 9, tests for heat release to ISO 5660-1 cone calorimeter and to ISO 9705 full scale room fire test have been introduced for high speed craft.
  • The tests contained in the new version of the FTP Code are listed in this table

The revision of the IMO FTP Code sets higher fire safety requirements to enhance the protection of ships against catastrophic fires.

